Artist Spotlight Archive

As part of our Positive Impact Plan (link), Mayflower partners with local artists to design limited run packaging for top selling flower products. Each month a new package is released, donating $1 of each unit sold to Unbound Visual Arts. See our previous Mayflower Artist Spotlight Series packaging art below.

June 2022


“To Soften up the Killer instinct of the Star and make it more subtle, I envisioned a Monolithic Crystal Diamond in harmony with the Nature around it. The Monolithic Crystal Floats perfectly amidst the Waves, between the Lands in the direct center of Night and Day. The Waterfalls and Shooting stars charge the Elements, including the Aether, and give the Crystal it’s glow. All of these Elements form a connection so Powerful that it could (if it had too) Kill a Star. Although, by it’s nature, it wants to use it’s Powers for Good, to harmonize the senses, purify the elements, glow with the celestials, and to Heal and enlighten the masses. Perhaps in the distant past, a star perished by it’s Light, and now it’s learned to control and co-exist with all the Wonders around it, to the benefit of all of Us. Enjoy :)”

-Jonathan ‘diNo’ DiNapoli

Medical Cannabis Rec
May 2022


“As an artist who specializes in symbols throughout time, it was a welcoming challenge to create artwork for Acid Dough that was abstract and not symbolic in nature. My first thought was to have everything emanate from a spark, like a Big Bang type of situation. The all-inclusive atom at the center unravels and produces a dual spiral in which one arm is ‘Doughy’ and the other is geometric, like ‘Rays’ from the sun. Each side returns the controlled chaos of the spark to a crystalline form that balances out the center. Like with the cannabis plant, a little bit can open and expand an overwhelming realm of creative potential, amidst a backdrop of beauty. I hope this artwork helps to enhance the experience and serves as a little visual fun for all. Enjoy :)”

-Jonathan ‘diNo’ DiNapoli

cannabis rec ma


“This strain is known for its sweet taste, just like the ice cream flavor. The cookies and cream ice cream flavor is so iconic and classic, I wanted to acknowledge it in my design. For this label,
I created an illustration that mimicked the look of scoops being taken from a fresh carton of ice cream. Back in high school, I used to work at an ice cream shop, so this design is dedicated to all of the scoops of cookies and cream I’ve ever served.”

- Lauren Labadini

cannabis rec ma
March 2022

NUKE EM • 3.5G

“When designing the label for this strain, I found inspiration in the juxtaposition of disruption and calmness that’s associated with white noise. I thought back to when I was a kid and would experience television static when the signal went out, or when flipping through radio stations and would hear white noise when the signal wasn’t clear. As much as white noise and static can be considered a disruption, it can also be seen as a focus tool or calming mechanism, the latter of which I found fitting since this strain is known for its soothing and anxiety-relieving effects.”

- Lauren Labadini

cannabis rec ma


“This strain smells just like its namesake and has a relaxing and mood-lifting effect to those who use it. Inspired by the sweet and lively dessert Pineapple Upside Down cake, this design incorporates a bright color palette inspired by the dessert. I used contrasting colors and created an abstracted pineapple pattern in order to create a lively and eye-catching label for the strain.”

- Lauren Labadini

cannabis rec ma


“The Acid Dough flower is appropriately named for its bright foliage and colorful effects. This sativa dominant strain evokes brilliant sensations of a light and relaxed high. With a sweet candy taste and unexpected sour kick, Acid Dough takes you through a flow of flavor and uplifting emotions. As this is my final design in Mayflower’s Artist Spotlight Series, I chose to incorporate the same colors, shapes, and techniques from my previous label designs for White Knuckles and Star Killer. The Acid Dough label’s luminous colors and patterns orbit around and beyond the canvas, harmonizing these three strains in one design. This gallery of triptych cannabis labels showcases the range of emotion, physical effects, and neurological sensations that have the incredible ability to present differently in all individuals.

- Charlotte McNeilly

cannabis rec ma
December 2021


This Indica dominant strain, Star Killer, gives the unique scent of lemon and mix of pine for an earthy taste. Star Killer is known to strongly relax the body allowing you to take a deep rest, aiding in the treatment of pain, such as; aches and inflammation. Because of the strain’s uplifting effects and
distinctive lemon flavor, the Star Killer design highlights both these characteristics. With bright hues of yellow, pink, and purple, the design is curated only of rounded shapes to mimic the euphoric and mellowing effects of the flower. Similar to the shape of a lemon wedge, these shapes ebb and flow into one full, bright yellow, circle at its focal point – maybe even a star."

- Charlotte McNeilly

Rec dispensary
NOV 2021


“White Knuckles is an Indica strain known for its calming and sedative effects. These effects can relieve issues such as anxiety and insomnia. As someone who has a close relationship with insomnia, I often see pulsing, squiggly shapes like these in the mornings I wake from - finally - a good night’s sleep. Similar to the strain name “white knuckles” these stringy, rippled, shapes make out the familiar crinkles on the knuckles of a finger"

- Charlotte McNeilly

Rec dispensary
October 2021


“For the Ghost Train Haze artwork, I wanted to catch
the energetic effect of the strain. I went with a train
station scene to remind the viewer of early morning commutes, when the day is just starting and full of
potential. The bold and bright color palette was chosen to compliment this sense of potential and to insert energy into the scene. Off in the distance, there is a mysterious ghost train making it’s way towards us, as we get ready to embark on the new adventures the day has to offer.”

- Leandro Lopez

Boston Cannabis Dispensary
Sept 2021


“With the Cookies N’ Cream artwork I was trying to convey the feeling of comfort, relaxation, and home.
This strain is known to lull people into a calm state, providing long-lasting relief to patients throughout the day. I wanted to zero in on that feeling of relaxation you get when you’re in a familiar kitchen.”

- Leandro Lopez

Boston Cannabis Dispensary
August 2021

• 3.5 grams

“While the name of the strain conjures up the opposite of a tranquil scene, this is a strain that will help you sleep. I wanted to capture a similar scene - perhaps a calming, yet sleepless state that calls for the relaxation and sedation that
Night Terror OG provides.”

- Leandro Lopez

Boston Cannabis Dispensary
JULY 2021

“All outta’ gum” Nuke Em
• 3.5 grams

Inspired by the 1996 classic video game Duke Nukem 3D, my palette was directly extracted from the iconic cover art. My brother and I used to play the game together with our dad, and I found myself missing those experiences deeply while making this, so I wanted to twist my initial ideas about what “nuke em” implies into something more beautiful. I illustrated the foundation before using filters & liquify to blur and curl the colors together in a different kind of explosion. This hybrid will take your brain through some twists and turns while giving
you that warm, fuzzy feeling.

- Elias Diestler

Boston Cannabis Dispensary
JUNE 2021

Pineapple Upside Down Cake
• 3.5 grams

For this strain, I really wanted to illustrate the pineapple to mimic a shattering effect caused by
collision. The “VFX-inspired” pineapple is surrounded by lower-resolution, pixelated cherries - ingredients in the classic cake - and features a tiny umbrella for shade. For the background, I implemented layered hexagons with a pastel gradient & mosaic FX. The bright colors, shapes, and scattered fragments are all indicative of this sativa’suplifting effects.

- Elias Diestler

Boston Cannabis Dispensary
May 2021

“Inner Star”
Star Killer • 3.5 grams

I hadn’t experienced Star Killer until last year, and it quickly became one of my favorite, “bright”, lightly-fruity indicas with its status effects of curiosity and cerebral engagement. I was influenced by the name, astrology, and my love of science fiction. I did some research on Neutron stars and became very inspired by the behavior of the literal “star killer”—the center
of the image representing the gravitational rays that surround the resulting core of the neutron star’s explosion.
- Elias Diestler

April 2021

Acid Dough • 3.5 grams

The color scheme of this piece is inspired from the taste and smell of this sativa strain. It is known to have sweet, candy-like aromas with bright, pineapple flavors. This season, let’s welcome the summer with a stimulating, creative and energizing high. It will have you feeling euphoric at first and like dough after, hence the name ‘Acid Dough’.
– Stu Goyal

March 2021

“A Psychological Ruse”
Tutankhamon • 3.5 grams

“I based this piece off of its nickname ‘King Tut’. This sativa strain has a predominantly skunky and sour flavor with a hint of fruit. It’s earthy aroma and orange-green buds inspired the color scheme of this artwork. These colors also reflect the pain-relieving and encouraging feeling induced by consuming Tut. It stimulates creativity and is known to help relieve stress.” – Stu Goyal

Feb 2021

“Unguided Path”
White Knuckles • 3.5 grams

This Indica dominant strain is known to have a very relaxing and anxiety relieving effect. Living up to its name ‘White Knuckles’, many describe it as a potent, ‘couch-locking’ high, much like being knocked out by a fist. I made this pattern based off some scribbles I find myself making when I am feeling anxious. It helps me focus in the present moment and regain control of my consciousness, almost like meditation.
-Stuti Goyal

October 2020

Hybrid Flower • 3.5 grams

"For my illustration I knew I wanted to create something that felt tangible, as “cream” is such a strong descriptor. “Cream” is something people can easily imagine– how it feels, looks, or maybe even smells. I also knew I wanted my illustration to have a sort of bold, groovy vibe to give it an edge and steer away from an association with food. I used lots
of color in a subtle way to create a more graphic look."
-Lauren Madigan

October 2020

“Figure in the Forest”
Night Terror OG • 7 grams

"For this project I wanted to create imagery that wasn’t outright “horror,” but instead felt eerie and unsettling. I decided to take a very different route than my typical artwork and used a greyscale palette to really allow the composition to tell the story. I want the viewer to spot the figure on their own, unexpectedly, because I feel like that’s a certain kind of terror that doesn’t require them to suspend their disbelief."
-Lauren Madigan



"This piece titled “Jarabacoa” is inspired by the mountains and flowers in the Dominican Republic, Camille’s parents’ home country. Camille enjoys working with different mediums and textures, often mimicking the patterns she grew up seeing in and around her home, including her pet corn snake, Kettle, who frequently appears in her work."
– Camille Rodriguez

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